Here are the most commonly used FUB Data endpoints that can be fetched for different triggers:
event.event_data.timestamp: Date and time of event
event.event_data.eventCreated: Date and time of event creation
person.custom[....]: Custom field data
person.dealStage: Deal stage of the lead
person.price: Price mentioned in the amount field
person.collaborators[0].name: Agent(s) added as a collaborator
person.collaborators[0].assigned: true or false based on assignment of collaborators
person.collaborators[0].id: FUB User (agent) internal ID
person.collaborators[0].role: User role, for example- Broker Follow Up Boss Lead ID
person.lastLeadActivity: Last Activity Date and Time
person.createdById: Person Created by ID (internal FUB User ID)
person.lastIncomingCall: Last incoming call
person.lastEmail: Last email sent or received
person.emailsSent: Number of emails sent
person.updatedById: Person updated by ID (internal FUB agent ID)
person.lastSentText: Last outgoing text date and time
person.lastName: Lead Last Name
person.lastDeliveredMarketingCampaign: Last delivered marketing campaign
person.propertiesViewed: Number of properties viewed
person.assignedPondId: Assigned Pond ID (internal FUB)
person.lastInboxAppMessage: Last inbox message date and time
person.stageId: Lead stage ID
person.nextTaskHasTime: false
person.dealName: Name of the deal
person.stage: Stage of the lead
person.lastActivity: Last activity logged date and time
person.assignedUserId: Assigned Agent by ID (internal FUB ID)
person.sourceId: Lead Source ID (internal FUB ID)
person.lastReceivedEmail: Last incoming email date and time
person.callsIncoming: Total incoming calls
person.source: Source of the lead
person.dealPrice: Price in the deal
person.lastSentEmail: Last outgoing email date and time
person.emailsReceived: Total incoming emails
person.createdVia: Manually, API, Import
person.created: Person created date and time
person.assignedLenderName: Name of assigned lender
person.textsSent: Total outgoing texts
person.firstName: Lead first name
person.textsReceived: Total incoming texts
person.background: FUB Background data Full name of lead
person.assignedLenderId: Assigned Lender ID (internal FUB ID)
person.updated: Date and time the lead was updated
person.lastOutgoingCall: Last outgoing call date and time
person.callsDuration: Total duration of calls
person.assignedTo: Assigned Agent
person.callsOutgoing: Total outgoing calls
person.lastReceivedText: Last incoming text date and time
person.lastText: Last text date and time
person.lastCall: Last call date and time
person.tags[0]: Tags in the FUB Lead
person.addresses[0].country: Country
person.addresses[0].state: State
person.addresses[0].code: Postal Code
person.addresses[0].city: City
person.addresses[0].street: Street
person.phones[0].isLandline: true or false based on whether the phone type is landline
person.phones[0].isPrimary: Which phone is the primary one, if multiple phones
person.phones[0].normalized: Phone number
person.phones[0].type: Type like mobile or landline
person.phones[0].value: Phone number value
person.phones[0].status: Status of the phone number
person.emails[0].type: Type of the email
person.emails[0].value: Value of email
person.emails[0].isPrimary: Which email is the primary one, if multiple emails
person.emails[0].status: Status of the email ID
Note Data
note.updatedBy: Note updated by User
note.created: Note creation date and time
note.subject: Subject of the note
note.updatedById: Note updated by ID (internal FUB ID)
note.body: Content of the note
note.createdBy: Note created by User
note.isHtml: false or true based on whether it is a HTML note or not
note.updated: Date and time of note updation
note.createdById: FUB User ID of user who created the note
Email Data Date and time of email creation (outgoing or incoming)
email.emailAccountId: Internal ID of the email account Has the email been read
email.created: Create date and time of the email
email.hasEmailDraft: true or false based on draft presence
email.bounced: true or false based on whether the email was bounced
email.userId: Email sent by User ID (FUB internal ID)
email.threadId: Internal ID of the thread
email.unsubscribed: true or false based on whether the lead has unsubscribed
email.hasAttachments: true or false based on whether email has attachments
Text Data
text.lastName: Last name of the person the text was sent to
text.deliveryStatusError: Any error on delivery (null by default)
text.isIncoming: true or false based on whether it is an incoming or an outgoing text
text.createdById: Created by User ID (internal FUB ID)
text.created: Date and time when the text was created
text.deliveryStatusDate: Date and time when the text was delivered
text.userName: Text sent by
text.userId: User ID of the sender of the text
text.sent: Date and time the text was sent
text.fromNumber: Text sent from number
text.firstName: First Name of the lead the text was sent to Full name of the lead the text was sent to
text.personId: Follow Up Boss Lead ID of the person the text was sent to
text.toNumber: Number to which the text was sent to
text.deliveryStatusErrorCode: Delivery status error code. Null if no error.
text.deliveryStatus: Status of delivery
text.status: Status of the text, for example -Sent
Call Data
call.lastName: Last name of the lead the call was made to
call.note: Note while logging the call
call.isIncoming: true or false based on whether the call was incoming or not
call.duration: Duration of the call in question
call.createdById: Call created by user ID (internal FUB ID)
call.created: Date and time the call was created
call.updatedById: Call updated by user ID (internal FUB ID)
call.userName: Call created by name of user/agent
call.userId: User ID of the user making the call
call.fromNumber: Call received from
call.firstName: First name of the lead the call was made to The phone number to which the call was made Full name of the lead to which the call was made to
call.personId: Follow Up Boss lead ID to which the call was made to
call.ringDuration: Duration of the ring
call.toNumber: Phone number to which the call was made
Appointment Data
appointment.created: Time of creation of appointment
appointment.timezone: Timezone of the appointment
appointment.start: Appointment start date and time
appointment.description: Appointment description
appointment.outcomeId: Internal ID of the appointment outcome
appointment.updatedById: Internal FUB User ID of the agent/user who created the appointment
appointment.title: Title of the appointment
appointment.type: Type of the appointment
appointment.allDay: true or false based on whether it is an all day appointment
appointment.originFub: true or false on whether it is Made via FUB
appointment.isEditable: true or false on whether it is editable
appointment.invitees[0].name: Appointment invitee 1
appointment.invitees[0].personId: null if it is an agent
appointment.invitees[0].relationshipId: null if it is not a relationship
appointment.invitees[0].userId: Internal FUB User ID of the invitee
appointment.invitees[0].email: Email ID of the invitee
appointment.end: Appointment End date and time
appointment.location: Location of the appointment
appointment.typeId: Internal ID of the appointment type
appointment.updated: Date and time the appointment was updated
appointment.createdById: Appointment created by User ID
appointment.outcome: Outcome of the appointment
There might be other end points not mentioned in this article, which may be useful in certain scenarios. Also, all triggers may not be fetched for all trigger types. FUB sends over relevant but limited data for each trigger type. Feel free to reach out to [email protected] if you have any questions!